
This page is the tutorial for ConnectorDB’s python interface.


To start using ConnectorDB, you need to install it!:

pip install connectordb

If you don’t have pip installed, you can follow these instructions.

You will also want to install apsw:

sudo apt-get install python-apsw

If on Windows, you can get the binaries from here. APSW is used for logging support.


Once installed, you can log in as a user:

import connectordb
cdb = connectordb.ConnectorDB("username","password",url="https://cdb.mysite.com")

...and as a device:

import connectordb
cdb = connectordb.ConnectorDB("apikey",url="https://cdb.mysite.com")

After logging in, you can check your device by looking at the path:

>>> cdb.path


Let’s check what streams we have:

>>> cdb.streams()
[[Stream:myuser/user/productivity], [Stream:myuser/user/mood]]

Since you’re logged in as a device, you see your streams. You can access this device’s streams directly by name:

>>> productivity = cdb["productivity"]
>>> productivity

Let’s see some of the stream’s properties:

>>> productivity.schema
{'type': 'integer', 'maximum': 10, 'minimum': 0}
>>> productivity.datatype
>>> productivity.description

This is a star-rating stream. This stream should have a description, though - let’s set it!

>>> productivity.description = "A star rating of my productivity"
>>> productivity.description
'A star rating of my productivity'

You can also see all of the stream’s properties and set them:

>>> productivity.data
{'name': 'productivity', 'ephemeral': False, 'datatype': 'rating.stars', 'description': 'A star rating of my productivity', 'downlink': False, 'schema': '{"type":"integer","minimum":0,"maximum":10}', 'icon': '', 'nickname': ''}
>>> productivity.set({"nickname": "My Productivity"})

The same methods of access work for users and devices as well.

Stream Data

Let’s do some basic analysis of the productivity stream:

>>> len(productivity)

Looks like I only have 9 productivity ratings in my stream. All of the data in streams is accessible like a python array. The first element of the array is the oldest datapoint. ConnectorDB’s streams are append-only, so you don’t need to worry about data disappearing/appearing in the middle of the array.

Let’s get the most recent productivity rating

>>> productivity[-1]
{'t': 1464334185.668, 'd': 8}

Looks like I was really productive recently (8/10 stars)! When exactly was this timestamp?

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.fromtimestamp(productivity[-1]["t"])
'Fri May 27 03:29:45 2016'

Let’s perform analysis of the whole stream. We can get the full stream’s data by getting productivity[:]

>>> productivity[:]
[{'t': 1464250199.934, 'd': 8}, {'t': 1464334179.605, 'd': 7}, {'t': 1464334180.216, 'd': 5}, {'t': 1464334180.88, 'd': 9}, {'t': 1464334181.782, 'd': 3}, {'t': 1464334183.308, 'd': 1}, {'t': 1464334183.752, 'd': 5}, {'t': 1464334184.46, 'd': 4}, {'t': 1464334185.668, 'd': 8}]

For our current analysis, we don’t need the timestamps:

>>> list(map(lambda x: x["d"],productivity[:]))
[8, 7, 5, 9, 3, 1, 5, 4, 8]

Let’s find the mean:

>>> import statistics
>>> statistics.mean(map(lambda x: x["d"],productivity[:]))

If we only care about the mean, it is inefficient to query the entire dataset from ConnectorDB, only to perform an aggregation that returns a single value. We can use PipeScript to perform the aggregation on the server:

>>> productivity(transform="mean | if last")
[{'t': 1464334185.668, 'd': 5.555555555555555}]

You can go here for a PipeScript tutorial (PipeScript is ConnectorDB’s transform engine)

Using the call syntax, you can also query ConnectorDB by time. To get the datapoints from the last minute:

>>> productivity(t1=time.time() -60, t2=time.time())

Finally, let’s plot the rating vs time:

>>> from pylab import *
>>> t,d = zip(*map(lambda x: (datetime.fromtimestamp(x["t"]),x["d"]),productivity[:]))
>>> plot(t,d)
>>> show()


Suppose now that you want to do something whenever your mood is greater than 8 stars. To do this, you need to somehow be notified when this happens. ConnectorDB allows devices to subscribe to streams, so that you get data the moment it is inserted:

>>> def subscriber(stream,data):
...     print(stream,data)
>>> productivity.subscribe(subscriber)

Now go to the ConnectorDB web app, and change your productivity rating. You should see your new data be printed the moment you click on the rating.

But we only want to get datapoints where productivity is greater than 8! Let’s unsubscribe.

>>> productivity.unsubscribe()

ConnectorDB’s subscriptions accept transforms, so we filter the datapoints with rating 8 or lower.

>>> productivity.subscribe(subscriber,transform="if $>8")

Now you should only get messages when the rating is greater than 8 stars!

Subscribing allows your devices to react to your data. Before continuing, let’s unsubscribe:

>>> productivity.unsubscribe(transform="if $>8")

The transform string used during unsubscribing must be exactly the same as the one used when subscribing, because you can have multiple subscriptions each with different transforms.


We know how to view data in ConnectorDB - let’s figure out how to create it in the first place.

We will go back to the cdb device we logged in with. Let’s make a new stream:

>>> newstream = cdb["newstream"]
>>> newstream.exists()

This stream doesn’t exist yet, so make it:

>>> newstream.create({"type":"string"})

Let’s add data!

>>> len(newstream)
>>> newstream.insert("Hello World!")
>>> len(newstream)

Note that we are currently logged in as the user device. This is not recommended. ConnectorDB is built with the assumption that every physical program/object using it has its own associated device, using which it accesses the database. Therefore, let’s create a new device for ourselves.

We must first go to the user to list devices

>>> cdb.user.devices()
[[Device:test/user], [Device:test/meta]]

ConnectorDB comes with two devices by default, the user and meta device. The meta device is hidden in the web interface, as it holds log streams. The user device represents the user.

>>> newdevice = cdb.user["newdevice"]
>>> newdevice.exists()
>>> newdevice.create()

The newly created device is disabled by default, so let’s enable it

>>> newdevice.enabled
>>> newdevice.enabled = True

Now let’s log in as that device:

>>> newdevice.apikey
>>> mydevice = connectordb.ConnectorDB(newdevice.apikey,url="https://cdb.mysite.com")

You’ll notice that this device is completely isolated - it does not have access to anything but itself and its own streams. This is because the default role given to devices assumes that they are not to be trusted with data.


ConnectorDB’s permissions structure is there to disallow snooping - and not active malice. Each device can create an arbitrary amount of streams and is not rate limited by default.